Yoga and Chocolate.

Sounds an awesome idea doesn’t it? A little while ago now, I went on a Yoga workshop run by Susananda Yoga. It’s the second workshop that I’ve been on and I was really looking forward to 3 hours of yoga on a Saturday morning. Bliss… Greeted with a cheery “Good Morning” from Sue, and a “Take a chocolate please! But don’t eat it yet!” I found an unusual unwillingness to actually take a chocolate. Maybe because this is yoga, and such bliss should not be tainted with such lowly (!) things as chocolate. (Or more a case of “Don’t cross Continue Reading →

108 Update

Well, the first two days went well.  I was up about an hour before sunrise and off out to the garden I trundled.  Feeling slightly self conscious but hey ho – going to do it anyway. Until Yesterday. I was up when my alarm went off at 3:30am.  So was my littlest little one – who was finding it difficult to settle and wanted feeding.  So I stayed and fed him.  Feeling guilty because I wasn’t able to do what I’d set my intent to do. But there wasn’t much I could do about that.  A quote from Buddha says:- Continue Reading →


I’ve recently become aware of this thing called Yoga.  It’ll never catch on, but I like it so I’m willing to give it a good go. Of course I’m just joking you (to quote my eldest little one).  But I have only recently found it for myself.  It’s amazing.  It’s everything I hoped it would be and I’m so glad that the Universe and the Divine pointed me in the right direction precisely at the time it did. To say I’m hooked would be an understatement.  However, as committed as I have been to getting to yoga classes, or 1:1 Continue Reading →