TYT Challenge – Day 6 Thoughts

Having got off to a slow start with the TYT Challenge, I’ve kept more on top of it since then.  Making time to read the emails with the daily lessons in. (Much helped by having an hour sat waiting for the eldest at Dance Class this morning with nothing else to do!). Today was a prime example of a day where I would have ended up heading home, the eldest little one “acting out” and me frazzled beyond the reaches of a strong coffee and chocolate. We missed getting to her dance class on Thursday evening, so I said we Continue Reading →

TYT Challenge June 2017

About a fortnight ago, I had a bad few days with the kids.  Well – with everything really, but it was the smalls that got the worst of it. Everything just seemed to be me saying “no – stop it”.  “Don’t….”  And as the day wore on the saying turned to snapping, which in turn came to shouting. And it was all mirrored back to me by my eldest small – my mirror.  As she spoke to her little brother the way I had been speaking to her. And then I cried.  A lot.  I snapped a bit more – Continue Reading →