Observations on Procrastination and Avoidance

I seem to have had a difficult time beginning this post. So, I’ve decided to observe my behaviour in this respect – postpone the original idea for the post, and post regarding this instead! First of all I blamed the kitchen table – for being too kitchen table like. Then the table was too high for me to type at ‘properly’ – never mind the fact that I only feel like I’m typing “properly” when typing on a “proper” keyboard, not a laptop interface! Then the chair just wasn’t ‘right’ – yup – far too kitchen chair like. Then the Continue Reading →

Relaxing Relaxation?

A few hours later than originally planned – here’s the post from yesterday! The thing which kept me from posting, was the fact that after a day up at Eden Hall, I was, actually, crackered (exhausted)! My sister and I went up there for a treat for our birthdays this year, a pressie from Mum and Dad (Thanks M&D!). We got there at just after 9am, were greeted with a drink, and were promptly booked in with instructions on how to enjoy the day. Off we went to find our lockers and read our schedule of what time lunch was Continue Reading →