Move it Move it.

It was an uphill struggle.  Partly because I knew what was coming. The disappointment in myself from last week. The disappointment I heard in other people when I told them I ducked out after lap 1.  The way it just hurt so much…  The nonsense going through my head. Last week I was Little Miss Prepared.  Everything was accounted for, ready to go, all eventualities prepared for.  Clothes out ready. For me and the kids.  Breakfast out ready to go… I saw it all play out in my head. “Make it so…”.  And so it was. This time could not Continue Reading →

Running down Demons

A friend of mine introduced me to the existence of this thing called “Parkrun”.  Every Saturday morning, rain, or shine, people get up and out, put their shoes on and go run run/walk, walk, 5k at a local park / nature area. I’d been inspired to start running, mainly doing the C25K (Couch to 5k) programme initially, but I thought a little run/walk followed by more of a walk wouldn’t harm. In my previous post (Ch-ch-ch-changes) I mentioned that the first event didn’t quite go to plan.  The one I went to was in two laps to make up the 5k Continue Reading →


I’ve been putting off writing this blog post for about 6.5 days.  Procrastination. Isn’t it weird how these two words have the same ending….DesTINATION.  ProcrasTINATION. I could go on. A rather good friend of mine did something amazing in September.  She did the Great North Run for the first time.  She went from couch to 13.1miles in about 8ish months. Granted she did have one of the most horrible starts one could have to a year, and this is what she did with it. I’m really proud of her. I was inspired.  I watched the event on the telly box just Continue Reading →