A Fairytale.

Well, if you’ve been reading my blog recently you might be forgiven for thinking I’ve finally flipped.  With losing the baby in April – how could this possibly in any way be referred to as a fairytale? If you’re willing, I’ll explain. May arrived.  I felt strange urges that Must Be Obeyed.  It was to fettle, sort and spring clean.  So whilst tackling the tetris puzzle that is my clothes storage, I hooked my phone up to the speakers in the bedroom and started to listen to a podcast by Damh the Bard.   Episode 95 to be exact.  A Continue Reading →

The Little Spark That Was.

Before I start, I’m setting the intent that I will do justice to this post.  To remembering my  Little Spark. Edited to Add:-  This is rather long.  It’s rather emotional and has some a fair amount of tree hugging hippy stuff and frankly weird stuff in it towards the end.  But it makes sense to me.  The practical down to earth Virgo. I didn’t have a plan as such for this year.  The general plan was, to carry on with making candles (and hopefully selling some), maybe look at developing a new range. And to try and get through this year without too much Continue Reading →

The things they don’t tell you about a miscarriage.

There are three ways of Managing a miscarriage.  The Miscarriage Association website tells of things in a bit more detail, but upon being chatted to at the hospital there are three options, surgical, medical and natural. Surgical – Under a local or general aneasthetic the remains of the pregnancy are removed. Medical – A pessary is used to start the process off. Natural – nature takes its course.  Normally recommended by the medical profession if the miscarriage happens in the first three months. It is your choice which option you choose, the medical profession will have their say, but it is down Continue Reading →

Thank you Little Spark

My previous post “The Little Spark that was” tells of how briefly Little Spark was with us.  7 weeks. In this post I want to thank Little Spark. In case you’re wondering, yes, there will be one or two more posts about this event.  No they won’t go on forever.  Aside from whatever lessons I have to learn from this, there may be things that other people can take from it too.  As I’ve rediscovered my itch for writing, I’m guessing the two things are related and certain things should be written about. But for now – Thank you Little Continue Reading →