Baby Loss Awareness Week

I’ve been thinking about Little Spark on and off all week, what with one thing or another on the radio. A few weeks ago I ordered a “special offer” from Facebook. A necklace with a “wish” in it – for shipping only.  And promptly forgot about it. Today it arrived. The last day of Baby Loss Awareness week. It couldn’t be better. It has three dandelion seeds in it.  Which I take as all three of my babies.  The biggest wish grew wings and flew from this plane of existence to watch over us.  The other two stayed with me. Continue Reading →

Thank you Little Spark

My previous post “The Little Spark that was” tells of how briefly Little Spark was with us.  7 weeks. In this post I want to thank Little Spark. In case you’re wondering, yes, there will be one or two more posts about this event.  No they won’t go on forever.  Aside from whatever lessons I have to learn from this, there may be things that other people can take from it too.  As I’ve rediscovered my itch for writing, I’m guessing the two things are related and certain things should be written about. But for now – Thank you Little Continue Reading →