Reclaiming Power.

To be honest I’m really not sure where this post is going to go.  I’ve been dancing around the edges of writing a post about power and how words, thoughts and intent relates to all that.  Instead I find myself sidetracked by another post I read a couple of days ago. It’s one of those annoying posts that left me in tears as I read it and felt a kinship with the lady that wrote it. It was also annoying as I realised there was something I needed to address after reading.  I didn’t particularly want to take action as there is Continue Reading →

The Little Spark That Was.

Before I start, I’m setting the intent that I will do justice to this post.  To remembering my  Little Spark. Edited to Add:-  This is rather long.  It’s rather emotional and has some a fair amount of tree hugging hippy stuff and frankly weird stuff in it towards the end.  But it makes sense to me.  The practical down to earth Virgo. I didn’t have a plan as such for this year.  The general plan was, to carry on with making candles (and hopefully selling some), maybe look at developing a new range. And to try and get through this year without too much Continue Reading →

Thank you Little Spark

My previous post “The Little Spark that was” tells of how briefly Little Spark was with us.  7 weeks. In this post I want to thank Little Spark. In case you’re wondering, yes, there will be one or two more posts about this event.  No they won’t go on forever.  Aside from whatever lessons I have to learn from this, there may be things that other people can take from it too.  As I’ve rediscovered my itch for writing, I’m guessing the two things are related and certain things should be written about. But for now – Thank you Little Continue Reading →

A writer’s dilemma.

Or maybe the title of this post should be “The dilemma a writer has, who has a slight case of OCD”. Wow.  I’ve sat and stared at that first line for nearly an hour.  It’s been so long since I’ve written that I feel hesitant to start.  The floodgates will open, and I’m not sure I wish to moderate all that will come out. Just another lesson in the life lesson that I am currently learning and practising a lot. Letting Go. I won’t join in with the thousands and do yet another parody of the recent Disney song, but Continue Reading →