Reclaiming Power.

To be honest I’m really not sure where this post is going to go.  I’ve been dancing around the edges of writing a post about power and how words, thoughts and intent relates to all that.  Instead I find myself sidetracked by another post I read a couple of days ago. It’s one of those annoying posts that left me in tears as I read it and felt a kinship with the lady that wrote it. It was also annoying as I realised there was something I needed to address after reading.  I didn’t particularly want to take action as there is Continue Reading →

“I hate being in two minds….”

The title of this post was actually one of my friends status’s on Facebook earlier today. I read it, I sat and read it again, and then wondered, actually, if being in two minds was a good thing or a bad thing. How interesting is this comment? When you really get down to it that is. First of all – that the writer has, two minds – which most people think is a bit odd as we only have one mind – right? Well we have a conscious mind, and an unconscious mind – at the very least that is Continue Reading →

So, what do you do?

How often are we asked this question when we meet people? For a long while, it used to annoy me – to me as it insinuated that we were what our jobs were. And for me, my job felt – to be honest, pointless and boring. Days on end I would watch the flow of paper in and through and out of the department. Don’t get me wrong, the products the company made were necessary – pipe fittings are always handy, but what I actually did – felt pointless. I felt like I was biding my time. The question though Continue Reading →