New Year.

In the “old ways”, Samhain (end of October) signifies the new year.  To me January kinda feels wrong for a new year.

Yet again this year I seem to have been hit with a truckload of energy and ideas and frustration is setting in as I have neither space, resources or energy (mental, emotional or physical) to do anything about them.

But just over the past few days I have noticed something.  As much as I would like to have think that I have tread through this life carefully and quietly, actually, some of the things I have done have probably had more of an impact on those who I didn’t see were connected at the time.   You may have heard of the chords of attachment.  With every person we have an interaction with we create a “chord” from us to them.  It can be a simple smile at another driver who lets you out, a not so nice smile at the bod who just pulled out in front of you… the simple chat with the checkout person… or the heart to heart you may have had with your BFF.   Anything – all creates these chords.

That sounds very cryptic, and whilst I’m not going to go into details, I’m just going to “put it out there” that I am aware of this, and I will take what steps I can to make amends and move forward in peace.

Definitely feeling a “moving on” feeling about this.  But I need to take some action on it.  Time to meditate I think on that one.


Being filled with an “Antsy” feeling that how things are just isn’t quite “right”.  The house does need attention.  Yet more sorting.  Rehoming of items.


And whilst being aware of all this plus way more, an email lands from a charity that I contacted to offer them an old posh frock of mine.  They turn wedding dresses / prom dresses into clothes and outfits for babies born sleeping.  Can’t think of anything better actually for that frock.  As much as I love it I’m not going to wear it again, neither will Naomi.   Yes – I could sell it, or try to – but then what to do with the money?

No.  I think this is the best option.  But I know that actually, I’m going to struggle to get it packed up and sent over the the lady doing the alterations.  I’m going to struggle not to let my eyes leak.  Its a nice dress.

Very me.  Or it was.

But perfect timing eh?  With the onset of the new year and all.

Peace out. 🙂

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