I think, I have a goblin in my wardrobe. Or the wash-room, or both.
Because just when I get to the bottom of the washing basket, no sooner do I turn around, than it’s full once more. Come to think of it, I think there may be a goblin in the kitchen too – because the same thing happens with the washing up.
And, what about all the mail and paperwork that comes through the letterbox? That either needs shredding, binning, filing or paying?! Ah, that’ll be the letterbox goblin then, a close relation to both the kitchen goblin and the wash-room goblin, however the letterbox goblin is noted for it’s extremely squat, square appearance. I say it, because nobody has managed to catch one yet to determine if they are male, female, or androgynous.
But seriously, if I must make a semi sensible point in this post, I really don’t mind them. In fact, I like it. I like the fact that once something is “done”, over it starts again. It’s my choice then, to either let it build up to breaking point (i.e. OK, I really HAVE to wash up because there are no cups left in the cupboard…), or keep a closer watch on it.
It’s like this too with ourselves. We can do a massigantic amount of change work within ourselves, and just when you think the dust is beginning to settle, up comes another wave.
Bring it on! Lets have it, and deal with it.
To stop learning, is to stop living.
To stop living is to stop needing to wash up, wash clothes, and sort the post.
And then where would the Kitchen Goblin, the Wash-Room Goblin and the Letterbox Goblin be?