Life – KM’d

I’ve had a bit of trouble writing the vision for my life, as is the instruction in the Marie Kondo The Magic Art of tidying up.

But about two weeks ago I became a bit poorly.  Bronchitis and tonsillitis.  Poorly enough that I ended up having to move into Mum and Dad’s with the entourage. 

I’m really grateful actually.  Firstly that dear parents were able to look after us and also that I’ve had a haitus from being ‘in the mire’ at home.  I’ve had chance to think and view life from 5 minutes away.

I want a life that is as much outside as inside.  To be in nature, tend the garden.  I find myself invigorated by doing this.

The children have as much outside time as is possible.  Whether that is outside on the garden or out at playgrounds or forest walks and nature rambles.

The floors in the main living area are clear. Easy to push the hoover around.  Easy to run the duster over.  If the children want ‘big toys’ out, like the railway or jigsaws, megabucks etc then there is no reason  to say no.

The kitchen sides and table are clear.  Whether we want to do painting, baking or play doh, or colouring  it’s easy to just say ‘yes’ and get on with  it.

The utility room is useful, but easy to access.  Washing is kept down to a minimum.  The conservatory is tidy and clean. Easy to get the littlest one in for a nap in his pushchair if the weather is not good enough for him to snooze outside. 

Bedrooms have clear floors.  And again  it’s easy to run  the hoover round and keep dust to a minimum.  Anything that needs doing is easy to do with the minimum  of effort,  and without a chain of other things needing doing first.

I am calm and have full access to my resources.  The main living area fits the children well during the day, but is easily transformed in an evening to either a chill zone or for DH to do music things.  

The day begins with everyone washed and dressed before going down for breakfast.  Clothes for the children are easy to find.

Heading downstairs for breakfast and the kitchen  is ready for action. After breakfast the pots are tidied away and the eldest little one can easily choose from many activities.

Outside time had before lunch, and then maybe an outing after lunch.  Plenty of outside time and also activities to challenge the little ones brains.

Teatime is early for the children – no later than 5pm.  Leaving plenty of time for bathtime and chillout and story time.

Because they have had outside time and plenty of stimulation bedtimes are without fuss.

Evenings are spent preparing for the following day and then ‘me’ time for both of us before bed.    I go to bed feeling the day has been well utilised, plenty of playtime and learning times.

The days I work from home are easy to facilitate with resources that are  easy to access and a room that is calm and uncluttered.   

I’m beginning to wonder if the KM process will help me achieve all these things.  I really hope so.

As someone once said ‘trust the process’.

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