I saw a mouse… where??

If you know me IRL, then you know I have a fondness for all creatures small and fluffy.  Rats, Mice, Hamsters….  but I have to draw the line when one of those things (OK – Mice) move themselves into our house and infiltrate the dark corners.

I hate doing it, but I do have poison down in places inaccessible to us, but accessible to the mice. Behind the dishwasher, at the bottom of the Gas meter cupboard and such places.

On Tuesday night, I was enjoying a rare moment of being cuddled up with my OH on the sofa, and in true Zoe fashion, within 10 minutes I was asleep.  Dribbling gently onto his jumper.  I half awoke, and my eyes were half focused on the floor under the radiator – “Mouse!” I exclaimed.

After blinking – it had gone.  I hate waking up like that – in a blink…

Even more I hate the fact the little buggers are back in the house.  Cue me dropping peppermint oil EVERYWHERE.  I did like it… but am now getting fed up of smelling it so I hope the mice are too.  (It won’t make them leave, it’ll keep them out of places I don’t want them to be, or stop any others coming in).

The practical reasons for them coming in are that a precedent was set when the Rabbit was just outside the back door.  But – now he’s further down the garden, I think the Mice remember they can get in here.   It also doesn’t help that parts of the conservatory have more holes in it than swiss cheese – am thinking of resorting to blocking the holes up with wire wool and foam filler.  Or, foam filler with mouse poison through it… yuck.

And yes a better idea would be to replace the conservatory.  Repairing is a bit out of the question as the last time a part of the outside was repaired, a section of the ceiling fell down afterwards.  But, the current balance in the “Conservatory” account is looking a bit thin. There’s the “New car” account that takes precedence over the conservatory.

I digress though…  What other reasons could there possibly be for the little furries invading our territory?

I headed to Google and looked up the symbology behind the mouse.

Taken from the website Spirit Aminals, if a mouse crosses our path (or line of sight) then it is reminding us to:

Take a good look at what needs to be cleaned, ordered, or groomed in your life                   -Mouse


Hmm…  Right…. well yes the kitchen was a bit of a state that evening.  I stupidly went to bed thinking the Brownies would come in and make it all right – but no.

Further reading tells me:

If Mouse has scurried across your path;

The message is to see what is right before your eyes and to take action accordingly.

It may also be reminding you not to neglect the trivial but necessary things in life. Have you become to focused on one or two activities and neglecting the opportunities that surround you or are you trying to do too many things at the same time?

Know that to attain the big things in life you sometimes have to stay focused on the little things and stay in connected in the moment.

Yep well that’s another thing I need to deal with.

The first order of the day yesterday was to deal with the kitchen.  Which didn’t put me in the best of moods as I was feeling very off.  But,  within an hour the dishwasher was loaded and on, sides wiped, things away, rubbish all out.  And taking a mental note from the first lesson from Mr Mouse, I’ve now had my reminder to keep on top of it – no matter how yuck or tired I’m feeling.

I’m reminded of when I met the lady who is now one of my best friends.  We met at work when she joined the company I was working for.  At the time I had no children, and evenings consisted of sorting food at some point, either watching a film or going outside stargazing. Or if it was certain nights of the week I’d be working giving music lessons.  I’d often ask “Anything nice planned for tonight?”  which was met normally with “Just the usual, tea, bath, tidy up, washing, usual stuff and bed at some point”.  My suggestion to her to “Have a night off – chill a bit!” Was met with a certain look on her face, accompanied with “Yes but if I don’t do it, it won’t get done”.  A little bit of a culture clash between our lives at that time.  She was bringing a daughter up on her own as well as going to work full time, running a house…. and just, well – everything.

Luckily she didn’t take offence at my frequent suggestions to chill out – just a bit…  And her determinedness to keep doing what she was, I was able to accept (after a while) that that’s what she needed to do.

Fast forward oh, about 3 or 4 years and now I have a daughter who is well and truly into toddlerdom, and a Other Half who is lovely, and whilst the times he does do things in the kitchen are fabulous – if I want to guarantee it gets done, its just better if I do it myself.  (Just to be clear, my OH has many talents, but they lay in other places!)

I’ve spoken previously of the “Mum-gene” that a woman develops after having children.  That ability to keep going on less than 5 minutes worth of sleep for months at a time, the extra appendages that turn into hands (or grasping/clutching-appendages – at the last count 8 including the hands), the sudden ability to tidy up at the speed of light whereas before it would take you all day… Some of this develops as necessity.  Others you pick up and learn from other Mum’s around you.

Thank you Faith, for being a wonderful mentor.

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