End of year Review

My word that sounds so grown up.   But I want to take a moment to just honour the past year.

It has for many people been really quite horrible. We too have had our share, but as I said to my OH earlier it could have been a lot worse.  It could have been better, but also much, much worse!

Our youngest and in all probability last child arrived this year, and he has brought me so much joy and happiness my heart bursts. He is quick to giggle, and that giggle lifts me.  He has his Dad’s smile, and it lifts my heart. Yes, I have had and am dealing with touches of post natal anxiety, but it just goes to show more of life’s balance to me.  Yes at times it kicks in, and then the little one giggles at me and it all fades away.

The Eldest bless her heart has well entered threenager-dom and I’m looking forward to what this year brings for us both.  Beginning our journey properly if you like of going down the home school route.

One of my previous posts “Integrating” spoke of how my feelings about christmas had changed this year.  And to be honest, looking at it from this side of the celebrations it has been a lovely christmas.  We’ve had a couple of curve balls thrown at us, but all in all its been lovely.  Christmas in our house moved out of the corner in which it lived into the front and center of our house.  Even into the back garden.

As mentioned, this new year sees the start of many new projects.  One extra little one is that I shall be embarking on the KonMar method of decluttering / tidying.  I shall be sparking joy everywhere!

There are lots more things I want to do this year, but the main one is spend the evening with my lovely OH rather than being sat behind my laptop screen.

20161231_212451So many people have left this world this year, some before their time.  And many partings have left more questions unanswered. So tonight my memory candle is lit for everyone.  They are all remembered tonight as the old year wanes to the new.

You will be remembered and loved.


Till we meet again.


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