Doing what you think you can’t.

Hello 🙂 It’s been a while (again) since I wrote anything here. But I’ve a few things that I need to write and this just happened to be the most apt one needing writing. It’s about not being in your own way!! Even if you have to sneak around yourself to get there!!

So, this is just a nudge to say if you think you can’t… You’re right. Until you’re not and you catch yourself doing the thing you thought you can’t. 😉

I’ve been struggling to keep on top of all but the basics. I can’t remember the last time the kids rooms were hoovered…. And I kept putting it off. It looked too big a job.

Today I went into my youngests room to fetch out the mucky washing, that was it. I just wanted the washing.

And then thought I’d better put the clean stuff away to see if there was anything hidden that needed a wash…

And then found myself picking up toys, just “putting them away…” anywhere will do for now.

And then I found myself fetching my hoover… And the floor got hoovered.

Job done. Right… Eldest’s room – to fetch out washing…head downstairs for an Ikea bag (awesome for washing…) and found eldest in a bit of a tizz and upset…

So I got her to help me. I was considering putting her room off till tomorrow and it actually went a lot better, with her help.

– She did a bin / donate /keep system once I’d shown her the idea…
– She folded her tops (properly!) and put them away,
– She saw what room she had, so had to decide where to put things or decide if she really did want to keep them.

The downside.. No before pics as I didn’t go in either room to tidy 😂

The upside – I got out of my own way and showed the eldest how to take care of her things /space. She’s 8. (and a half).

And they’re both off screens and they’re playing. Upstairs. Nicely. With Daddy.

And I’ve got a nice drink of what looks like G&T. Well… Half a drink.

Half a glass full of a clear sparkling liquid. It could be G&T or it could just be lemonade...
Half a glass full of a clear sparkling liquid. It could be G&T or it could just be lemonade…

My point is – give yourself permission to “just do” something small. Leave the big stuff. Maybe it’ll snowball, maybe it won’t. But be easy on you. There’s only one of you and you’re special. ♥️

Oh and we missed dance.. And jiu jitsu.. Yet again because I hate holidays and losing routine!!!

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