Doing what you think you can’t.

Half a glass full of a clear sparkling liquid. It could be G&T or it could just be lemonade...

Hello 🙂 It’s been a while (again) since I wrote anything here. But I’ve a few things that I need to write and this just happened to be the most apt one needing writing. It’s about not being in your own way!! Even if you have to sneak around yourself to get there!! So, this is just a nudge to say if you think you can’t… You’re right. Until you’re not and you catch yourself doing the thing you thought you can’t. 😉 I’ve been struggling to keep on top of all but the basics. I can’t remember the last Continue Reading →

Perspective – what’s yours?

It’s New Years eve right where I’m sat at the moment.  Well – more specifically it’s New Years Eve Afternoon.  I’ve a bunch of tasks I’d like to do, but on the whole, what’s more important when I have those pesky little tasks to do other than write another blog post? It’s been over 6 months since I wrote anything on here.  I think I need to decide to actually use it – rather than just writing a random (but hopefully thought provoking) post every new years eve… The main point of writing though, is all a matter of perspective. Continue Reading →

Saying Goodbye

I’m not really sure this title is right for this writing yet. But at the moment it feels that’s as close as I’ll get. Once upon a time, there were three sisters who lived in a big stone house, in a medium sized town. The house rang with laughter. Arguments. Battles and alliances. Feet running down the wooden floored hallway, racing the dog to the post. Santa traps and the like. Doors slamming. Sulks and strops. Music, music, music. So many happy times. Sad ones too. It was home. Where we were physically all together. Dad rebuilt that house nearly. Continue Reading →

A Roar and a Dance

It is REALLY cold in our little corner of the world this evening. So I thought it might be a good idea to go check on the rabbit. It’s about half 9, and there’s been a bit of a battle to get the littlest little one to bed. Going out into the freezing night is not what I want to do – especially with a cold (poor me…!) But Rabbit needs checking! Warm coat on and zipped up. Grab a carrot and the end from the broccoli, box of rabbit food, water, hay and outside I go. The cold air Continue Reading →

108 Update

Well, the first two days went well.  I was up about an hour before sunrise and off out to the garden I trundled.  Feeling slightly self conscious but hey ho – going to do it anyway. Until Yesterday. I was up when my alarm went off at 3:30am.  So was my littlest little one – who was finding it difficult to settle and wanted feeding.  So I stayed and fed him.  Feeling guilty because I wasn’t able to do what I’d set my intent to do. But there wasn’t much I could do about that.  A quote from Buddha says:- Continue Reading →

Life – KM’d

I’ve had a bit of trouble writing the vision for my life, as is the instruction in the Marie Kondo The Magic Art of tidying up. But about two weeks ago I became a bit poorly.  Bronchitis and tonsillitis.  Poorly enough that I ended up having to move into Mum and Dad’s with the entourage.  I’m really grateful actually.  Firstly that dear parents were able to look after us and also that I’ve had a haitus from being ‘in the mire’ at home.  I’ve had chance to think and view life from 5 minutes away. I want a life that Continue Reading →