Never ending wash baskets

I think, I have a goblin in my wardrobe. Or the wash-room, or both. Because just when I get to the bottom of the washing basket, no sooner do I turn around, than it’s full once more. Come to think of it, I think there may be a goblin in the kitchen too – because the same thing happens with the washing up. And, what about all the mail and paperwork that comes through the letterbox? That either needs shredding, binning, filing or paying?! Ah, that’ll be the letterbox goblin then, a close relation to both the kitchen goblin and Continue Reading →

Annette and the Birds

Well, here we have a little video of Annette. Annette has been afraid of birds, butterflies and similar flappy things since her childhood.  After having a coaching session with myself earlier this summer, yesterday we took a trip into Nottingham City Centre to go and have a look at the pigeons, whilst a couple of days earlier, she took a trip to a butterfly house with her grandchildren! In all the years leading up to this, there has never been a time when Annette would walk through “Slab Square”.  Always, her friends and family have had to trail around the Continue Reading →