What happens next?

This post – be warned, embarks on a topic that is usually not best discussed in general polite conversation.  Rules of the dinner table, no politics, no religion – that kind of thing. However, Something came to mind today and I’ve got that nudge to write it out.  Religion.  That little conundrum again. I’m kinda dreading the question of “religion” when it comes up from my eldest little one.  I’ll tackle the big nuts and bolts of it another day, but this specifically relates to “what happens when we die…” I happened upon a post by a page I like.  Continue Reading →

Tea with Nanna.

Well Hello World.  🙂  It’s been a while. Maybe only fitting I sit to write this with a cup of tea.  Feels like we’re sitting down for a natter and a drink. I can’t believe its been nearly a year since I last wrote.  Yes life has been full, but even so, writing is important to me and actually I want to do more of it. But what’s prompted me to write?  It’s just shy of 1am, the littlest one is asleep in his Moses Basket, I’m supposed to be brushing and plaiting my hair and going to bed but Continue Reading →

Reclaiming Power.

To be honest I’m really not sure where this post is going to go.  I’ve been dancing around the edges of writing a post about power and how words, thoughts and intent relates to all that.  Instead I find myself sidetracked by another post I read a couple of days ago. It’s one of those annoying posts that left me in tears as I read it and felt a kinship with the lady that wrote it. It was also annoying as I realised there was something I needed to address after reading.  I didn’t particularly want to take action as there is Continue Reading →

The slippery slope of parenthood

My darling daughter is 2 years and half a month old today. Or thereabouts. And tomorrow she starts nursery for 2 mornings and 1 afternoon a week.  This is not something I am pleased about in all honesty. Both my Hubby and myself had rather dodgy experiences at school.  Did they make us the people we are today?  Well, we are here having gone through all that, but I for one was definitely hindered by those experiences, and sometimes they still catch me out. Even before we had thought about getting pregnant, we had both said that if we ever had kids they Continue Reading →

By Moonlight.

So I sit and type in the moonlight. Seems a bit sacrilegious, but I’m doing it anyway.  A bit like going camping and taking the telly. (Really??? I mean what is the point??). The moon is full and round tonight and peeking through next doors Eucalyptus tree.  The flower bed immediately to my left has flowers settling in.  They are long overdue planting out, but I’m hoping the warm weather coming this week will help them on with a growth spurt and settle in. Not really sure there’s a point to this post.  Other than to say its a beautiful night. Continue Reading →

A Fairytale.

Well, if you’ve been reading my blog recently you might be forgiven for thinking I’ve finally flipped.  With losing the baby in April – how could this possibly in any way be referred to as a fairytale? If you’re willing, I’ll explain. May arrived.  I felt strange urges that Must Be Obeyed.  It was to fettle, sort and spring clean.  So whilst tackling the tetris puzzle that is my clothes storage, I hooked my phone up to the speakers in the bedroom and started to listen to a podcast by Damh the Bard.   Episode 95 to be exact.  A Continue Reading →

The things they don’t tell you about a miscarriage.

There are three ways of Managing a miscarriage.  The Miscarriage Association website tells of things in a bit more detail, but upon being chatted to at the hospital there are three options, surgical, medical and natural. Surgical – Under a local or general aneasthetic the remains of the pregnancy are removed. Medical – A pessary is used to start the process off. Natural – nature takes its course.  Normally recommended by the medical profession if the miscarriage happens in the first three months. It is your choice which option you choose, the medical profession will have their say, but it is down Continue Reading →

The Results Are In…

And so we wake this morning to the news that the Conservatives are in. And it seems the world and his wife have all written blog posts.  So here’s my two-pennies worth of thoughts. There have been countless tales of prophesied horror of what will happen if the Tories get in.  And I wonder how many of them will actually come true in the next 5 years. But if we go with the general consensus on Goode Olde Facebooke this morning (surely the font of all knowledge that is True and Reliable!) that the turnout for this election was 60%.  If you Continue Reading →