And the Blossom Fell…

All day the cherry blossom has been slowly falling.   Falling and calling to me. Calling me back to 2 years ago when I stood in the back garden, in the shade of the bamboo and under a gentle shower of cherry blossom petals, and said Goodbye to Little Spark. This is not a sad post – so please do not be sad. I was called into the garden, pulled there.  All day I was thwarted in this mission… The eldest little one needed this that or the other, lunch needed preparing, daily house stuff to take care of, teatime, Continue Reading →

Lughnasadh 2015

Quiet excitement building up!  Tomorrow is Lughnasadh, the “original” harvest festival. This isn’t a post about what Lughnasadh is or isn’t according to various faiths, but more a post as to how I am feeling at this time. If you’ve been following my writings this year you’ll know that earlier in the year was quite difficult for us.  And whilst I still get hit with pangs of “what would have been”, yesterday and today I have felt a big shift. Last year I attempted to undertake a course in Druidry.  For one reason or another I had to withdraw from the Continue Reading →

The Bedtime Gardener

You may be forgiven for thinking this could turn into a bit of an x-rated blog post by that title.  But bear with me! Doing anything with a toddler in tow ranges from high hilarity to downright frustrating!  For the moment gardening and my little girl, are probably best kept separate!  The plants are not really up to withstanding her exuberant style of care, (meant with all the love in the world as she loves flowers… and picking them to feed to the rabbit), but my conflict is I’d rather the blooms stayed on the plants – for at least Continue Reading →