Thank you Little Spark

My previous post “The Little Spark that was” tells of how briefly Little Spark was with us.  7 weeks. In this post I want to thank Little Spark. In case you’re wondering, yes, there will be one or two more posts about this event.  No they won’t go on forever.  Aside from whatever lessons I have to learn from this, there may be things that other people can take from it too.  As I’ve rediscovered my itch for writing, I’m guessing the two things are related and certain things should be written about. But for now – Thank you Little Continue Reading →

A writer’s dilemma.

Or maybe the title of this post should be “The dilemma a writer has, who has a slight case of OCD”. Wow.  I’ve sat and stared at that first line for nearly an hour.  It’s been so long since I’ve written that I feel hesitant to start.  The floodgates will open, and I’m not sure I wish to moderate all that will come out. Just another lesson in the life lesson that I am currently learning and practising a lot. Letting Go. I won’t join in with the thousands and do yet another parody of the recent Disney song, but Continue Reading →


Layers of an onion

A thought occurred to me last night.  It’s one of those things that does happen sometimes, and flipping annoying when you realise its an “Important Thought”. We often refer to ourselves as having layers like onions.  And that peeling away layers reveals the real “us” beneath.  And the implication is – that peeling away layers is a good thing.  (Which it is).  And thereby the inverse is also true, that putting layers on is a bad thing? No. In a word. Last night I was aware of a newly formed layer that has grown for me.  It’s about 7 and Continue Reading →

Nearly Yearly Update!


Hello world! Well I can’t believe nearly a year has gone by without me finding time to update my site.  But what a year its been. The last time I updated this was to post about getting what you want, or, more accurately how the Universe enables you to do things you’d really rather not, but actually you know you really have to face it.  A big toothache. Abscess… complicated by what I didn’t mention at the time… being pregnant! I can now state from experience, that having an abscess is far worse pain than giving birth – without drugs! Continue Reading →

De-clutter Bug and The FlyLady!

The Flylady

Have you ever heard of “The Flylady”? She is a lady who has started a website to help us become more organised, tidy, and ensure that we suffer less from “CHAOS” – Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome! (Because it’s too messy etc!) I am taking tentative flybaby steps at the moment and I receive a daily update of messages posted. One of them caught my eye yesterday morning. It was about a lady and her husband who helped clear out her Mum’s shed that was packed full of “things that might come in handy one day” by her Father (who Continue Reading →

Pure Energy

I’ve just had a thought whilst I was in the shower. It’s a good place to think I find. And a quote I heard a quote the other day went through my thoughts. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. If, in our ‘truest’ form we are purely energy, existing everywhere and everywhen, is there any wonder then that we can “mess up” so spectacularly as we are ‘zoomed in’ to the detail of the level of this life we are currently experiencing? It’s like doing a jigsaw puzzle, but without the picture on the lid. And just to Continue Reading →

Time – it’s all about time

I find that I’m in a strange place here tonight.  It’s almost like I can look back on the events of my past to this point now, and see where I’ve pushed things to happen. Making things happen for you is all well and good – there is no doubting that.  But there is also a time, where, well, time is needed.  Patience required.  Normally though, we have to be well past the event to recognise that maybe a little time was required.  It’s called ‘hindsight’.  The sight behind. A look in the Online Entemology dictionary tells us that “hindsight Continue Reading →

Gardening and Grief

It’s just been snowing here.  So I went into the conservatory and stood at the back door to watch it snow. Looking out at the garden, I notice there’s a change in me.  Normally, it will get to the month of February and I will start getting fractious and eager to get out into the garden and start ‘doing’.   Tidying up the winter ravages, cutting back the annual plants, and smiling at seeing the snowdrops peek through the soil. This year – it’s different.  But then so much has changed in the past few months that it’s maybe just those Continue Reading →

Never ending wash baskets

I think, I have a goblin in my wardrobe. Or the wash-room, or both. Because just when I get to the bottom of the washing basket, no sooner do I turn around, than it’s full once more. Come to think of it, I think there may be a goblin in the kitchen too – because the same thing happens with the washing up. And, what about all the mail and paperwork that comes through the letterbox? That either needs shredding, binning, filing or paying?! Ah, that’ll be the letterbox goblin then, a close relation to both the kitchen goblin and Continue Reading →

Annette and the Birds

Well, here we have a little video of Annette. Annette has been afraid of birds, butterflies and similar flappy things since her childhood.  After having a coaching session with myself earlier this summer, yesterday we took a trip into Nottingham City Centre to go and have a look at the pigeons, whilst a couple of days earlier, she took a trip to a butterfly house with her grandchildren! In all the years leading up to this, there has never been a time when Annette would walk through “Slab Square”.  Always, her friends and family have had to trail around the Continue Reading →