Hold your tongue.

A quick guide to how to get the best out of meetings / appointments / lectures / telephone conversations! Everyone has days where it just seems that everybody wants to talk to you, whether you’re at the post office, the garage, through instant messaging on the computer, by telephone, the neighbour chatting over the garden fence… everybody just seems to want to talk to you! And then the 10 minutes or so of “quiet time” you do actually get, you find aren’t that quiet at all because of the internal chatter that has since started up – wow, you are Continue Reading →

“I hate being in two minds….”

The title of this post was actually one of my friends status’s on Facebook earlier today. I read it, I sat and read it again, and then wondered, actually, if being in two minds was a good thing or a bad thing. How interesting is this comment? When you really get down to it that is. First of all – that the writer has, two minds – which most people think is a bit odd as we only have one mind – right? Well we have a conscious mind, and an unconscious mind – at the very least that is Continue Reading →

So, what do you do?

How often are we asked this question when we meet people? For a long while, it used to annoy me – to me as it insinuated that we were what our jobs were. And for me, my job felt – to be honest, pointless and boring. Days on end I would watch the flow of paper in and through and out of the department. Don’t get me wrong, the products the company made were necessary – pipe fittings are always handy, but what I actually did – felt pointless. I felt like I was biding my time. The question though Continue Reading →