Choice Choices

So here we are. As I have sat to write this, so you have begun to read.  I don’t know what your day is like, how you came to this particular blog post, or what lead you here. But I do know, that however it happened, you made the choice to read, and more importantly, I made the choice to write, otherwise you couldn’t have chosen to read this! A good friend of mine loaned me a book called “The Shack” by William P Young.  I won’t blow the plot of the story for you, other than to say it Continue Reading →

Appreciating Magic

One of my previous posts was called “I practise magic“, in which I speak of how some things we do may appear magical to other people because of the ease of which we do them.  How often though, do we realise our own magic?  How often do we realise and give ourselves credit for that which we do well, that we are ‘good’ at, that we may even enjoy too? My sister has gone on holiday for a week, and in this time she lent me her Flute – at my request!  Over the past few weeks I’ve just had an Continue Reading →

A Blogterrupt

A blogterrupt, is when ‘normal’ daily life takes over and interrupts the flow for one’s blog! Regular service will resume shortly, we apologise for the delay and play you some twinkly music whilst we get our service back online. If you can’t hear the twinkly music, simply go inside yourself now and imagine what twinkly music sounds like, and then try to tell me you can’t hear it! Magic or what?!

I practise magic…

One of my other activities that I “do”, is that of Music Teacher.  One of my students, in her clarinet lesson couldn’t get a certain note to sound cleanly, unfuzzily, and without squeaking! I grabbed my clarinet from it’s perch on top of the piano, and demonstrated the technique.  To me, it was simple.  To my student, it was as though she’d seen an electric lightbulb switch on for the first time. “Wow!!! How did you do that??”  I looked at her and answered “Practise”. A quote from the Cinderella film from the 1950’s came to mind – where the Continue Reading →

The universe is listening!

On Friday night, the 3rd July, I spent nearly an hour on the phone to my sister having a bit of a catch up – which was a really lovely way to spend an hour.  I was sat outside the back door on my little bench in the sunshine with my drink and nattered away.  During the conversation, something caught my eye. There in front of me, crawling along the bright yellow hosepipe currently snaking along the ground, was a ladybird.  So what you may ask? Last year I grew a variety of chilli plants in the conservatory, and two Continue Reading →

Observations on Procrastination and Avoidance

I seem to have had a difficult time beginning this post. So, I’ve decided to observe my behaviour in this respect – postpone the original idea for the post, and post regarding this instead! First of all I blamed the kitchen table – for being too kitchen table like. Then the table was too high for me to type at ‘properly’ – never mind the fact that I only feel like I’m typing “properly” when typing on a “proper” keyboard, not a laptop interface! Then the chair just wasn’t ‘right’ – yup – far too kitchen chair like. Then the Continue Reading →

“I hate being in two minds….”

The title of this post was actually one of my friends status’s on Facebook earlier today. I read it, I sat and read it again, and then wondered, actually, if being in two minds was a good thing or a bad thing. How interesting is this comment? When you really get down to it that is. First of all – that the writer has, two minds – which most people think is a bit odd as we only have one mind – right? Well we have a conscious mind, and an unconscious mind – at the very least that is Continue Reading →

Relaxing Relaxation?

A few hours later than originally planned – here’s the post from yesterday! The thing which kept me from posting, was the fact that after a day up at Eden Hall, I was, actually, crackered (exhausted)! My sister and I went up there for a treat for our birthdays this year, a pressie from Mum and Dad (Thanks M&D!). We got there at just after 9am, were greeted with a drink, and were promptly booked in with instructions on how to enjoy the day. Off we went to find our lockers and read our schedule of what time lunch was Continue Reading →

So, what do you do?

How often are we asked this question when we meet people? For a long while, it used to annoy me – to me as it insinuated that we were what our jobs were. And for me, my job felt – to be honest, pointless and boring. Days on end I would watch the flow of paper in and through and out of the department. Don’t get me wrong, the products the company made were necessary – pipe fittings are always handy, but what I actually did – felt pointless. I felt like I was biding my time. The question though Continue Reading →