What if…

… all these intrusive thoughts, dark thoughts are there to scare me away from feeling? OH suggested I think about the process – why things happen.  Why ones brain fixates on something terrible that one happens to have accidentally read and then can’t un-read or be unaware of. You’ve just got an overactive imagination. I’ve been told that a lot.  Right from being a child.  These feelings of anxiousness however new they may feel (2 years ish….), are definitely not new. The realisation that I have quite successfully disconnected from my Self… and then the thought then follows of I Continue Reading →

Yoga and Chocolate.

Sounds an awesome idea doesn’t it? A little while ago now, I went on a Yoga workshop run by Susananda Yoga. It’s the second workshop that I’ve been on and I was really looking forward to 3 hours of yoga on a Saturday morning. Bliss… Greeted with a cheery “Good Morning” from Sue, and a “Take a chocolate please! But don’t eat it yet!” I found an unusual unwillingness to actually take a chocolate. Maybe because this is yoga, and such bliss should not be tainted with such lowly (!) things as chocolate. (Or more a case of “Don’t cross Continue Reading →


I’ve recently become aware of this thing called Yoga.  It’ll never catch on, but I like it so I’m willing to give it a good go. Of course I’m just joking you (to quote my eldest little one).  But I have only recently found it for myself.  It’s amazing.  It’s everything I hoped it would be and I’m so glad that the Universe and the Divine pointed me in the right direction precisely at the time it did. To say I’m hooked would be an understatement.  However, as committed as I have been to getting to yoga classes, or 1:1 Continue Reading →

TYT Challenge – Day 6 Thoughts

Having got off to a slow start with the TYT Challenge, I’ve kept more on top of it since then.  Making time to read the emails with the daily lessons in. (Much helped by having an hour sat waiting for the eldest at Dance Class this morning with nothing else to do!). Today was a prime example of a day where I would have ended up heading home, the eldest little one “acting out” and me frazzled beyond the reaches of a strong coffee and chocolate. We missed getting to her dance class on Thursday evening, so I said we Continue Reading →

TYT Challenge June 2017

About a fortnight ago, I had a bad few days with the kids.  Well – with everything really, but it was the smalls that got the worst of it. Everything just seemed to be me saying “no – stop it”.  “Don’t….”  And as the day wore on the saying turned to snapping, which in turn came to shouting. And it was all mirrored back to me by my eldest small – my mirror.  As she spoke to her little brother the way I had been speaking to her. And then I cried.  A lot.  I snapped a bit more – Continue Reading →

New Bird on the Block.

[Before the post proper starts, can I just say that when I sat to write this post, I had no idea where it was going.  I just knew I had to write.  So this is for my OH.  Words from the heart – for you.]   For a few months I’ve been trying to entice a few more birds onto our garden.  I’ve moved the bird feeder stand, and tried food and fat balls in different areas of the garden.  We have not one, but two sets of blackbirds nesting within our boundaries.  One family has taken up residence in Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday Littlest Little One!

A year ago just now, my waters went.  (Just after 1 am, 31st March 2016). 30 minutes of indecision… and then the contractions started.  This time around though they felt like I’d been told contractions should have felt.  And pressure on my lower back this time felt amazing. Yet again though, there was no gentle induction into the birthing process.  No 30 minute gaps between contractions to get used to the idea.  No, this was hard, and fast. Every 2-3 minutes right from the get-go.  “I’m calling the midwives, this kids’ coming faster than a freight train”, were the words Continue Reading →

And the Blossom Fell…

All day the cherry blossom has been slowly falling.   Falling and calling to me. Calling me back to 2 years ago when I stood in the back garden, in the shade of the bamboo and under a gentle shower of cherry blossom petals, and said Goodbye to Little Spark. This is not a sad post – so please do not be sad. I was called into the garden, pulled there.  All day I was thwarted in this mission… The eldest little one needed this that or the other, lunch needed preparing, daily house stuff to take care of, teatime, Continue Reading →

Adulting win!

Now I know the title of this post could be misread, but give me a moment to explain. For the past month I have been struggling.  Being poorly, having to decamp to my Parents house with the children, moving back home, and I’ve been stuck.  Can’t seem to get going in any direction, it’s all I have been able to do to get the kids dressed (most of the time), fed and watered, “outsided” (it’s now a verb…) and then into bed.  And then, I usually sit shellshocked and dazed on the sofa, fighting the urge to close my eyes Continue Reading →

Over-Readiness and Forgotten Roots

In music teaching there’s a usually unknown phenomenon of “being over-ready” for exams.  It’s only usually known about for music performances or, for sports persons training for an event or competition. Basically it means you are past the optimum performance point for your training.  I feel that this has happened for me and the tidying-up process. In the months leading up to Christmas I couldn’t wait to get started.  I eagerly browsed Facebook groups relating to the process feeling all inspired and motivated seeing the before and after pictures. And then Christmas happened.  I waited (for once) to receive the book as Continue Reading →