Flower Moon

Hmph. It seems the moon tonight is not going to let me be an opportunistic photographer. No, if I want a decent picture of the moon in all her fabulous luminosity, with stormy clouds racing past her then tonight I must pay court. Set up tripod, put more than a simple nighty on and get outside and wait. Appreciate the waiting. But reality calls me otherwise. At a quarter past midnight my LO will be up in about 6 hours. Parents will arrive shortly after 10ish or thereabouts to do a bit of ‘fixing’ about the place and I’ve things Continue Reading →


Layers of an onion

A thought occurred to me last night.  It’s one of those things that does happen sometimes, and flipping annoying when you realise its an “Important Thought”. We often refer to ourselves as having layers like onions.  And that peeling away layers reveals the real “us” beneath.  And the implication is – that peeling away layers is a good thing.  (Which it is).  And thereby the inverse is also true, that putting layers on is a bad thing? No. In a word. Last night I was aware of a newly formed layer that has grown for me.  It’s about 7 and Continue Reading →