What happens next?

This post – be warned, embarks on a topic that is usually not best discussed in general polite conversation.  Rules of the dinner table, no politics, no religion – that kind of thing. However, Something came to mind today and I’ve got that nudge to write it out.  Religion.  That little conundrum again. I’m kinda dreading the question of “religion” when it comes up from my eldest little one.  I’ll tackle the big nuts and bolts of it another day, but this specifically relates to “what happens when we die…” I happened upon a post by a page I like.  Continue Reading →

The Day that Sound broke.

It’s been a trying few weeks.  My own energy levels seems to have dropped through the floor, whilst the energy levels of the children have increased exponentially.  I’ve been feeling more and more overwhelmed, found it difficult to concentrate, plan, think… even write.  Words feel stuck and as if I’m having word blindness.  So I’ll do my best to let them flow. I’ve put it down to a few things.  Overdoing it and not resting up enough.  Feeling pulled in many different directions.  Family and close friends going through trials and tribulations of fairly serious natures.  It’s only been a Continue Reading →

108 Update

Well, the first two days went well.  I was up about an hour before sunrise and off out to the garden I trundled.  Feeling slightly self conscious but hey ho – going to do it anyway. Until Yesterday. I was up when my alarm went off at 3:30am.  So was my littlest little one – who was finding it difficult to settle and wanted feeding.  So I stayed and fed him.  Feeling guilty because I wasn’t able to do what I’d set my intent to do. But there wasn’t much I could do about that.  A quote from Buddha says:- Continue Reading →


I’ve recently become aware of this thing called Yoga.  It’ll never catch on, but I like it so I’m willing to give it a good go. Of course I’m just joking you (to quote my eldest little one).  But I have only recently found it for myself.  It’s amazing.  It’s everything I hoped it would be and I’m so glad that the Universe and the Divine pointed me in the right direction precisely at the time it did. To say I’m hooked would be an understatement.  However, as committed as I have been to getting to yoga classes, or 1:1 Continue Reading →

Magic Making Memories

As days go, today is just another day. But it’s an important day to remember someone who left us – in body anyway.  20 years ago to the day. Our dear Sister, who was all about friendship and having fun.  Love and laughter. Completely arranged accidentally, the smalls had a play date with some friends.  We ended up at a local nature reserve, pond dipping, and then a lovely long walk up a lovely big hill for a picnic right at the top among the cowslips and small blue butterflies.  The Momma’s chatted and child-wrangled, whilst giving the extra smalls Continue Reading →

New Bird on the Block.

[Before the post proper starts, can I just say that when I sat to write this post, I had no idea where it was going.  I just knew I had to write.  So this is for my OH.  Words from the heart – for you.]   For a few months I’ve been trying to entice a few more birds onto our garden.  I’ve moved the bird feeder stand, and tried food and fat balls in different areas of the garden.  We have not one, but two sets of blackbirds nesting within our boundaries.  One family has taken up residence in Continue Reading →

And the Blossom Fell…

All day the cherry blossom has been slowly falling.   Falling and calling to me. Calling me back to 2 years ago when I stood in the back garden, in the shade of the bamboo and under a gentle shower of cherry blossom petals, and said Goodbye to Little Spark. This is not a sad post – so please do not be sad. I was called into the garden, pulled there.  All day I was thwarted in this mission… The eldest little one needed this that or the other, lunch needed preparing, daily house stuff to take care of, teatime, Continue Reading →


It’s been a strange Christmas so far. And its not here yet. My Dearest OH has said over the past few months that I’ve changed, but that I’m trying to fight against it.  My rather flippant retort to that was (internally anyway) of course I’ve changed, I’m now a mum to two… But something has happened I notice with the arrival of the Littlest Little One.  I find that although I may have tinges here and there of PNA (Post Natal Anxiety) at times, on a baseline with the arrival of the littlest one something else was returned to me. Continue Reading →

New Year.

In the “old ways”, Samhain (end of October) signifies the new year.  To me January kinda feels wrong for a new year. Yet again this year I seem to have been hit with a truckload of energy and ideas and frustration is setting in as I have neither space, resources or energy (mental, emotional or physical) to do anything about them. But just over the past few days I have noticed something.  As much as I would like to have think that I have tread through this life carefully and quietly, actually, some of the things I have done have Continue Reading →


I’ve been putting off writing this blog post for about 6.5 days.  Procrastination. Isn’t it weird how these two words have the same ending….DesTINATION.  ProcrasTINATION. I could go on. A rather good friend of mine did something amazing in September.  She did the Great North Run for the first time.  She went from couch to 13.1miles in about 8ish months. Granted she did have one of the most horrible starts one could have to a year, and this is what she did with it. I’m really proud of her. I was inspired.  I watched the event on the telly box just Continue Reading →