
Layers of an onion

A thought occurred to me last night.  It’s one of those things that does happen sometimes, and flipping annoying when you realise its an “Important Thought”. We often refer to ourselves as having layers like onions.  And that peeling away layers reveals the real “us” beneath.  And the implication is – that peeling away layers is a good thing.  (Which it is).  And thereby the inverse is also true, that putting layers on is a bad thing? No. In a word. Last night I was aware of a newly formed layer that has grown for me.  It’s about 7 and Continue Reading →

Getting what you asked for


Last night was quite eventful. And painful. It started on Monday evening if I’m honest, a nice cold blast of air hit a disaster zone of a broken tooth, and wham – face ache begins. It really starts to kick in through the day on Tuesday whilst at work, and then Tuesday evening it really starts to ramp up. Having fallen asleep on the sofa after tea I thought i might just be able to get to sleep. Apparently my pain levels had other ideas. As I laid down…. up went the pain a few more notches…. Tossing, turning – Continue Reading →

The year moves on…

Dawn and Sunrise

Slowly and surely the year moves onwards.  Well at the moment it feels slow and sure but then when I think about it, October 2010 doesn’t feel like 2 minutes ago. But here I find myself in February, it’s my Dad’s birthday tomorrow and I have a rather silly present for him.  The Open University course I was doing has just completed, and I find now, that I may be eligible for financial assistance to do the next one!  But that’s ok – it doesn’t start until October 2011! (Which definitely seems a long way away!) I also just thought Continue Reading →