For you, my friend.

You’ve a bit of a mountain ahead of you. I don’t know what you’re feeling – I can’t even guess.  I only know what I’m feeling for you going through it. Tonight I wanted to phone, but we don’t normally phone.  All is either in text, messenger or in person.  So I texted. This I promise you.  I will be there, always.  So will you.  And there we will be.

The Day that Sound broke.

It’s been a trying few weeks.  My own energy levels seems to have dropped through the floor, whilst the energy levels of the children have increased exponentially.  I’ve been feeling more and more overwhelmed, found it difficult to concentrate, plan, think… even write.  Words feel stuck and as if I’m having word blindness.  So I’ll do my best to let them flow. I’ve put it down to a few things.  Overdoing it and not resting up enough.  Feeling pulled in many different directions.  Family and close friends going through trials and tribulations of fairly serious natures.  It’s only been a Continue Reading →