By Moonlight.

So I sit and type in the moonlight. Seems a bit sacrilegious, but I’m doing it anyway.  A bit like going camping and taking the telly. (Really??? I mean what is the point??). The moon is full and round tonight and peeking through next doors Eucalyptus tree.  The flower bed immediately to my left has flowers settling in.  They are long overdue planting out, but I’m hoping the warm weather coming this week will help them on with a growth spurt and settle in. Not really sure there’s a point to this post.  Other than to say its a beautiful night. Continue Reading →


My gumption at last has got up and gone. Along with the busy body – “No-one”. No-one emptied the bookcase of books And my gumption ceased to inspire me to cook. “I’ll just clear this side” – but its taking too long And now Youtube’s browsing, searching a song. Powered by No-one, definitely not me. My gumptions got up and gone you see. The dishwasher’s on and the washer is whirring Oh for the spell that keeps your tea stirring. And hot. Don’t forget hot. Easy to forget when your gumption you’ve not got. I ought to go find it – Continue Reading →

Sweet William

About a week ago my lovely neighbour handed me a bunch of roses because she thought I needed a smile.  And indeed I did smile each and every time I saw them or walked past them in the room. Flowers though don’t last forever.  So as I had to remove them to the compost bin this morning I made a special note to go fetch some more from the shop.  “They don’t have to cost much” I told myself.  Its more a token.  I love to see flowers in a room. So, before I started work this Saturday morning I popped Continue Reading →

693 Days old

Today my Darling Daughter you are 693 days old. Last Saturday (6th June) you were 686 days old.  For 681 of those days you were breastfed to some degree or other.  The routine varied slightly, but for the last year certainly you had Mummy’s milk as you went to sleep, through the nights if you woke and as you awoke in the morning. Granny was always amazed at how lovely you woke up. For the most part you still do wake up lovely – its just that I’m not there with you now in that very moment you wake. By Continue Reading →