“Make it so”

Well, if you’re a Trekkie you’ll have heard Jean Luc Picard utter those words several times in each episode! However, for those of you who have no idea what I just said – you will also probably understand the basic meaning behind the phrase!  Make it so. Make what exactly?  Well – “it”, whatever “it” may be. I’ve just been reminded of a couple of ‘basics’ within the NLP coaching that I do.  The first is “setting the intent” and the second is the “mind/body connection“, that we work as a whole, not two parts of the mind, and the Continue Reading →

Choice Choices

So here we are. As I have sat to write this, so you have begun to read.  I don’t know what your day is like, how you came to this particular blog post, or what lead you here. But I do know, that however it happened, you made the choice to read, and more importantly, I made the choice to write, otherwise you couldn’t have chosen to read this! A good friend of mine loaned me a book called “The Shack” by William P Young.  I won’t blow the plot of the story for you, other than to say it Continue Reading →

Appreciating Magic

One of my previous posts was called “I practise magic“, in which I speak of how some things we do may appear magical to other people because of the ease of which we do them.  How often though, do we realise our own magic?  How often do we realise and give ourselves credit for that which we do well, that we are ‘good’ at, that we may even enjoy too? My sister has gone on holiday for a week, and in this time she lent me her Flute – at my request!  Over the past few weeks I’ve just had an Continue Reading →