108 Update

Well, the first two days went well.  I was up about an hour before sunrise and off out to the garden I trundled.  Feeling slightly self conscious but hey ho – going to do it anyway.

Until Yesterday.

I was up when my alarm went off at 3:30am.  So was my littlest little one – who was finding it difficult to settle and wanted feeding.  So I stayed and fed him.  Feeling guilty because I wasn’t able to do what I’d set my intent to do.

But there wasn’t much I could do about that.  A quote from Buddha says:-

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”

Yes I set an intent, and a commitment to practise for 108 days.  That didn’t happen due to family life.  Some people don’t have the luxury of family life getting in the way – they have to do what they need to do or else life begins to be very not fun.

So, today I had the chance to catch up.  Not pre-sunrise, as again the littlest little one is suffering a bit (teeth, ears not sure…) but this afternoon. 2 lots of 12 Surya Namaskars.


Intense, but youch.

Thank you Kerry for the audio!!

Notes for going forwards, I’ll do the pre-sunrise one if children allow.  If not, I’ll do it when I can during the day.  Although being honest, pre sunrise feels lovely!

Inspiraton from day 2 – how to keep track of what repetition one is on – the eucalyptus leaves that are all over the garden!

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